Often, when you knock over one domino it causes the rest to fall. This is called the Domino Effect. The domino effect can also be used to describe any sequence of events that occurs in a similar way. For example, when a person starts exercising regularly, they usually start eating healthier as a result. This is a Domino Effect because the change in one behavior triggers a chain reaction that leads to other positive changes.
A domino is a small rectangular wood or plastic block, about thumbsize, with two sides. One side of each domino is marked with an arrangement of dots resembling those on dice. The other side is blank or identically patterned. A complete set of dominoes consists of 28 such blocks.
Domino is also the name of several games played with these blocks. In these games, players try to arrange a line of dominoes on a flat surface so that each domino touches the end of the previous one. The first player begins by placing a single domino. When another player cannot place a domino, they pass their turn to the next player. The game continues until the last player has no more dominoes to play or the players reach a point at which none of them can proceed.
Traditionally, dominoes are made of bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother-of-pearl), ivory or a dark hardwood such as ebony with contrasting black or white pips (inlaid or painted). More recently, sets have been made from materials including marble; soapstone; metals such as brass or pewter; and ceramic clay. These sets may have a more unique or rustic look and are generally more expensive than those of traditional wood.
In addition to the physical properties of dominoes, there is a symbolic and metaphorical importance to the concept. For example, the word domino itself carries the connotation of power and authority. The Latin word dominus means “lord” or “master,” and the sense of “powerful influence” of this word makes it an appropriate name for a game that emphasizes cause and effect.
Hevesh spends a long time planning and building her creations. She often tests each section of her installations to make sure they work as intended before she puts them together. She even films her testing in slow motion to make precise adjustments when needed. When she’s done, the results are spectacular. Hevesh’s domino sculptures are awe-inspiring. The way they flow and cascade is breathtaking. The way she creates them reminds us of the power of a positive domino effect in our own lives. We can take a stand on a particular issue and the decision to act may inspire others to do the same. This is the true essence of the Domino Effect.